15.33 (Game: bean-machine animation)
Write a program that animates the bean machine introduced in
Programming Exercise 7.21. The animation terminates after ten
balls are dropped, as shown in Figure 15.36b and c.
Write a program that animates the bean machine introduced in
Programming Exercise 7.21. The animation terminates after ten
balls are dropped, as shown in Figure 15.36b and c.
import javafx.animation.PathTransition; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.scene.layout.Pane; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import javafx.scene.shape.Circle; import javafx.scene.shape.Line; import javafx.scene.shape.Polyline; import javafx.util.Duration; import java.util.ArrayList; public class TBeanMachinePane extends Pane { // Bean machine measurements double w = 800; // Pane default width double h = 800; // Pane default height double gap; // distance gap between slot lines double radius; // peg's radius double dropX; // Drop ball starting x point double dropY; // Drop ball starting y point // int numOfSlots; // numbers of slots // Line's sequence drawn matters Line baseLine; Line leftSLine; // left side line (bottom left) Line rightSLine; // right side line (bottom right) Line[] cSlotLines; // center slot lines Line midLeftSLine; // middle left line Line midRightSLine; // middle right line Line topLeftSLine; // top left line Line topRightSLine; // top right line // Triangle pegs Circle[] pegs; // PEEGGSSSSS // Dropped balls ArrayList<Circle> balls; ArrayList<Circle> fineshedBalls; ArrayList<Polyline> ballPaths; // Animation ArrayList<PathTransition> mPathTransitions = new ArrayList<>(); private TBeanMachinePane() { baseLine = new Line(); baseLine.translateYProperty().bind(translateXProperty()); leftSLine = new Line(); rightSLine = new Line(); midLeftSLine = new Line(); midRightSLine = new Line(); topLeftSLine = new Line(); topRightSLine = new Line(); balls = new ArrayList<>(); fineshedBalls = new ArrayList<>(); ballPaths = new ArrayList<>(); } public TBeanMachinePane(int slots, double width, double height) { this(); initSlotLinesAndPegs(slots); // All layout nodes are initialized after this point numOfSlots = slots; setMinWidth(w = width); setMinHeight(h = height); setMaxSize(width, height); drawLayout(); addLayoutShapes(); } public void dropBall() { Circle ball = new Circle(dropX, dropY, radius); Polyline polyline = generatePath(); ObservableList<Double> list = polyline.getPoints(); double x = list.get(list.size() - 2); double y = list.get(list.size() - 1); fineshedBalls.add(new Circle(x, y, radius)); ballPaths.add(polyline); balls.add(ball); PathTransition path = new PathTransition(Duration.seconds(8), polyline, ball); mPathTransitions.add(path); path.setDelay(Duration.seconds(mPathTransitions.size())); getChildren().addAll(ball); //getChildren().addAll(polyline); path.play(); } private Polyline generatePath() { // dropped ball's beginning x and y point final int X = 0; final int Y = 1; double[] p = new double[]{dropX, dropY }; // the polyline will track the ball's path Polyline polyline = new Polyline(); ObservableList<Double> list = polyline.getPoints(); // Adding start point to the polyline list.addAll(p[X], p[Y]); // While the ball hasn't reached the end while (!isAtEnd(p[Y]) ) { // while the ball hasn't hit a boundary: keep falling... if (!hasBouncedOnPeg(p[X], p[Y]) && !hasBouncedOnBall(p[X], p[Y])) { p[Y] = moveDown(p[Y]); list.addAll(p[X], p[Y]); } // If the ball didn't bounce on another ball else if (hasBouncedOnPeg(p[X], p[Y]) || hasBouncedOnBall(p[X], p[Y])){ // If both sides are clear than make a random turn if (isClearLeft(p[X], p[Y]) && isClearRight(p[X], p[Y])) { p = ((int) (Math.random() * 2) == 1) ? rightArc(list, p[X], p[Y]) : leftArc(list, p[X], p[Y]); } // else if left side is clear make a left turn else if (isClearLeft(p[X], p[Y])) { p = leftArc(list, p[X], p[Y]); } // else if right side is clear make a right turn else if (isClearRight(p[X], p[Y])) { p = rightArc(list, p[X], p[Y]); } else { // if statement reaches here its a dead end break; } } } return polyline; } private boolean hasBouncedOnPeg(double x, double y) { for (Circle c : pegs) { if (c.contains(x, y + radius * 1.59999999)) { //getChildren().add(new Circle(x, y + radius * 2, 1)); return true; } } return false; } private double[] rightArc(ObservableList<Double> list, double startX, double startY) { double angle = 90; double x = 0; double y = 0; double arcRadius = radius * 2; for (int i = 0; i < 90; i++) { x = startX + arcRadius * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle)); y = (startY + arcRadius) - arcRadius * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)); list.addAll(x,y); angle--; } return new double[]{x,y}; } private double[] leftArc(ObservableList<Double> list, double startX, double startY) { double angle = 90; double x = 0; double y = 0; double arcRadius = radius * 2; for (int i = 0; i < 90; i++) { x = startX + arcRadius * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle)); y = (startY + arcRadius) - arcRadius * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)); list.addAll(x,y); angle++; } return new double[]{x,y}; } private boolean isClearLeft(double x, double y) { double limitX = x - radius * 2; if (limitX < baseLine.getStartX()) return false; for (Circle peg : pegs) { if (peg.contains(limitX, y) || !isInsideBeanMachine(limitX, y)) { return false; } } for (Circle c : balls) { if (c.contains(limitX, y) || !isInsideBeanMachine(limitX, y)) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean isClearRight(double x, double y) { double limitX = x + radius * 2; if (limitX > baseLine.getEndX()) return false; for (Circle peg : pegs) { if (peg.contains(limitX, y) || !isInsideBeanMachine(limitX, y)) { return false; } } for (Circle c : balls) { if (c.contains(limitX, y) || !isInsideBeanMachine(limitX, y)) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean isInsideBeanMachine(double x, double y) { if (y < pegs[pegs.length - 1].getCenterY()) return true; MyPoint p1 = new MyPoint(leftSLine.getEndX(), leftSLine.getEndY()); MyPoint p2 = new MyPoint(rightSLine.getEndX(), rightSLine.getEndY()); MyPoint p3 = new MyPoint( pegs[pegs.length - 1].getCenterX(), pegs[pegs.length - 1].getCenterY()); return (new Triangle2D(p1, p2, p3).contains(x, y)); } private boolean isAtEnd(double y) { return y >= baseLine.getEndY() - radius * 2; } private boolean hasBouncedOnBall(double x, double y) { for (Circle c : fineshedBalls) { if (c.contains(x, y + radius * 2)) { return true; } } return false; } private double moveDown(double y){ return y + radius; } private void drawLayout() { // sequence matters... drawBase(); drawLeftAndRightSide(); drawSlotLines(); drawPegs(); drawMidLeftAndRightSide(); drawTopLeftAndRightSide(); dropX = pegs[pegs.length - 1].getCenterX(); dropY = pegs[pegs.length - 1].getCenterY() - radius * 18; } private void addLayoutShapes() { getChildren().addAll( baseLine, leftSLine, rightSLine, midLeftSLine, midRightSLine, topLeftSLine, topRightSLine ); getChildren().addAll(pegs); getChildren().addAll(cSlotLines); } private void drawTopLeftAndRightSide() { topLeftSLine.setStartX(midLeftSLine.getEndX()); topLeftSLine.setStartY(midLeftSLine.getEndY()); topLeftSLine.setEndX(midLeftSLine.getEndX()); topLeftSLine.setEndY(midLeftSLine.getEndY() - (radius * 5)); topRightSLine.setStartX(midRightSLine.getEndX()); topRightSLine.setStartY(midRightSLine.getEndY()); topRightSLine.setEndX(midRightSLine.getEndX()); topRightSLine.setEndY(midRightSLine.getEndY() - (radius * 5)); } private void drawMidLeftAndRightSide() { midLeftSLine.setStartX(leftSLine.getEndX()); midLeftSLine.setStartY(leftSLine.getEndY()); midLeftSLine.setEndX(pegs[pegs.length - 3].getCenterX() - radius); midLeftSLine.setEndY(pegs[pegs.length - 1].getCenterY()); midRightSLine.setStartX(rightSLine.getEndX()); midRightSLine.setStartY(rightSLine.getEndY()); midRightSLine.setEndX(pegs[pegs.length - 2].getCenterX() + radius); midRightSLine.setEndY(pegs[pegs.length - 1].getCenterY()); } private void drawPegs() { // Draw triangle circles int index = 0; radius = gap / 4; for (int i = 1; i < numOfSlots; i++) { double x = leftSLine.getEndX(); double y = leftSLine.getEndY() - radius * 1.5; double distanceX = gap * (i - 1) / 2 + gap; double distanceY = gap * (i - 1); for (int j = 0; j < numOfSlots - i; j++) { pegs[index].setCenterX(x + distanceX); pegs[index].setCenterY(y - distanceY); pegs[index].setFill(Color.TRANSPARENT); pegs[index].setStroke(Color.BLACK); pegs[index++].setRadius(radius); x += gap; } } } private void drawBase() { double y = h * 0.9; double x = w * 0.2; double length = w * 0.6; baseLine.setStartX(x); baseLine.setStartY(y); baseLine.setEndX(x + length); baseLine.setEndY(y); } private void drawLeftAndRightSide() { // left side double x = baseLine.getStartX(); double y = baseLine.getStartY(); double length = h * 0.12; leftSLine.setStartX(x); leftSLine.setStartY(y); leftSLine.setEndX(x); leftSLine.setEndY(y - length); // Right side x = baseLine.getEndX(); y = baseLine.getEndY(); rightSLine.setStartX(x); rightSLine.setStartY(y); rightSLine.setEndX(x); rightSLine.setEndY(y - length); } private void drawSlotLines() { // start after the leftSLine and increment // and increment until second to last line is reached gap = PaneCollection.distance(baseLine) / numOfSlots; // gap between each each slot for (int i = 0; i < cSlotLines.length; i++) { double distance = gap * (i + 1); cSlotLines[i].setStartX(leftSLine.getStartX() + distance); cSlotLines[i].setStartY(leftSLine.getStartY()); cSlotLines[i].setEndX(leftSLine.getEndX() + distance); cSlotLines[i].setEndY(leftSLine.getEndY()); } } private void initSlotLinesAndPegs(int slots) { cSlotLines = new Line[slots - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < cSlotLines.length; i++) { cSlotLines[i] = new Line(); } pegs = new Circle[circleCount(slots)]; for (int i = 0; i < pegs.length; i++) { pegs[i] = new Circle(); } } private int circleCount(int slots) { int count = 0; while (--slots != 0) { count += slots; } return count; } }
import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane; import javafx.scene.text.Text; import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class Exercise_33 extends Application { @Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) { TBeanMachinePane pane = new TBeanMachinePane(8, 600, 600); Text text = new Text(20, 20, ""); pane.setOnMouseMoved(e -> { text.setText("x = " + e.getX() + "\n" + "y = " + e.getY()); }); Scene scene = new Scene(new StackPane(pane)); primaryStage.setScene(scene); pane.getChildren().add(text); primaryStage.setTitle("Bean Machine"); primaryStage.show(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { pane.dropBall(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Application.launch(args); } }
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