16.27 (Display country flag and flag description)
Listing 16.4, ComboBoxDemo.java, gives a program that
lets the user view a country’s flag image and description
by selecting the country from a combo box.
The description is a string coded in the program.
Rewrite the program to read the text description from a file.
Suppose that the descriptions are stored in the files description0.txt, . . . , and
description8.txt under the text directory for the nine countries Canada,
China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Norway, United Kingdom,
and United States, in this order.
Listing 16.4, ComboBoxDemo.java, gives a program that
lets the user view a country’s flag image and description
by selecting the country from a combo box.
The description is a string coded in the program.
Rewrite the program to read the text description from a file.
Suppose that the descriptions are stored in the files description0.txt, . . . , and
description8.txt under the text directory for the nine countries Canada,
China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Norway, United Kingdom,
and United States, in this order.
import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.geometry.Insets; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.*; import javafx.scene.image.ImageView; import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane; import javafx.scene.text.Font; import javafx.stage.Stage; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.util.Scanner; public class Exercise_27 extends Application { // Declare an array of Strings for flag titles private String[] flagTitles = {"Canada", "China", "Denmark", "France", "Germany", "India", "Norway", "United Kingdom", "United States of America"}; // Declare an ImageView array for the national flags of 9 countries private ImageView[] flagImage = {new ImageView("image/ca.gif"), new ImageView("image/china.gif"), new ImageView("image/denmark.gif"), new ImageView("image/fr.gif"), new ImageView("image/germany.gif"), new ImageView("image/india.gif"), new ImageView("image/norway.gif"), new ImageView("image/uk.gif"), new ImageView("image/us.gif")}; // Declare an array of strings for flag descriptions private String[] flagDescription = new String[9]; // Declare and create a description pane private DescriptionPane descriptionPane = new DescriptionPane(); // Create a combo box for selecting countries private ComboBox<String> cbo = new ComboBox<>(); // flagTitles); @Override // Override the start method in the Application class public void start(Stage primaryStage) { // Set text description for (int i = 0; i < flagDescription.length; i++) { Scanner input; String s = ""; try { input = new Scanner(new File("src/Text Files/description" + i + ".txt")); while (input.hasNext()) { s += input.nextLine() + "\n"; } flagDescription[i] = s; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // Set the first country (Canada) for display setDisplay(0); // Add combo box and description pane to the border pane BorderPane pane = new BorderPane(); BorderPane paneForComboBox = new BorderPane(); paneForComboBox.setLeft(new Label("Select a country: ")); paneForComboBox.setCenter(cbo); pane.setTop(paneForComboBox); cbo.setPrefWidth(400); cbo.setValue("Canada"); ObservableList<String> items = FXCollections.observableArrayList(flagTitles); cbo.getItems().addAll(items); pane.setCenter(descriptionPane); // Display the selected country cbo.setOnAction(e -> setDisplay(items.indexOf(cbo.getValue()))); // Create a scene and place it in the stage Scene scene = new Scene(pane, 450, 170); primaryStage.setTitle("ComboBoxDemo"); // Set the stage title primaryStage.setScene(scene); // Place the scene in the stage primaryStage.show(); // Display the stage } /** Set display information on the description pane */ public void setDisplay(int index) { descriptionPane.setTitle(flagTitles[index]); descriptionPane.setImageView(flagImage[index]); descriptionPane.setDescription(flagDescription[index]); } /** * The main method is only needed for the IDE with limited * JavaFX support. Not needed for running from the command line. */ public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } private class DescriptionPane extends BorderPane { /** Label for displaying an image and a title */ private Label lblImageTitle = new Label(); /** Text area for displaying text */ private TextArea taDescription = new TextArea(); public DescriptionPane() { // Center the icon and text and place the text under the icon lblImageTitle.setContentDisplay(ContentDisplay.TOP); lblImageTitle.setPrefSize(200, 100); // Set the font in the lbl and the text field lblImageTitle.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", 16)); taDescription.setFont(new Font("Serif", 14)); taDescription.setWrapText(true); taDescription.setEditable(false); // Create a scroll pane to hold the text area ScrollPane scrollPane = new ScrollPane(taDescription); // Place lbl and scroll pane in the border pane setLeft(lblImageTitle); setCenter(scrollPane); setPadding(new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5)); } /** Set the title */ public void setTitle(String title) { lblImageTitle.setText(title); } /** Set the image view */ public void setImageView(ImageView icon) { lblImageTitle.setGraphic(icon); } /** Set the text description */ public void setDescription(String text) { taDescription.setText(text); } } }
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