21.9 (Guess the capitals using maps)
Rewrite Programming Exercise 8.37 to store pairs of each state
and its capital in a map. Your program should prompt the user
to enter a state and should display the capital for the state.
Rewrite Programming Exercise 8.37 to store pairs of each state
and its capital in a map. Your program should prompt the user
to enter a state and should display the capital for the state.
import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Scanner; public class Exercise_09 { static int correctCount = 0; public static void main(String[] args) { Map<String, String> mapStateCapitals = new HashMap<>(50); for (String[] stateCapital : stateCapitals) { mapStateCapitals.put(stateCapital[0], stateCapital[1]); } Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); mapStateCapitals.forEach((state, city) -> { System.out.print("What is the capital of " + state+"? "); if (input.nextLine().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(city)) { System.out.println("Your answer is correct!"); correctCount++; } else { System.out.println("WRONG - The correct answer is " + city); } }); System.out.println(" Score = " + correctCount + " out of"); } private static String[][] stateCapitals = { {"Alabama", "Montgomery"}, {"Alaska", "Juneau"}, {"Arizona", "Phoenix"}, {"Arkansas", "Little Rock"}, {"California", "Sacramento"}, {"Colorado", "Denver"}, {"Connecticut", "Hartford"}, {"Delaware", "Dover"}, {"Florida", "Tallahassee"}, {"Georgia", "Atlanta"}, {"Hawaii", "Honolulu"}, {"Idaho", "Boise"}, {"Illinois", "Springfield"}, {"Maryland", "Annapolis"}, {"Minnesota", "Saint Paul"}, {"Iowa", "Des Moines"}, {"Maine", "Augusta"}, {"Kentucky", "Frankfort"}, {"Indiana", "Indianapolis"}, {"Kansas", "Topeka"}, {"Louisiana", "Baton Rouge"}, {"Oregon", "Salem"}, {"Oklahoma", "Oklahoma City"}, {"Ohio", "Columbus"}, {"North Dakota", "Bismark"}, {"New York", "Albany"}, {"New Mexico", "Santa Fe"}, {"New Jersey", "Trenton"}, {"New Hampshire", "Concord"}, {"Nevada", "Carson City"}, {"Nebraska", "Lincoln"}, {"Montana", "Helena"}, {"North Carolina", "Raleigh"}, {"Missouri", "Jefferson City"}, {"Mississippi", "Jackson"}, {"Massachusetts", "Boston"}, {"Michigan", "Lansing"}, {"Pennsylvania", "Harrisburg"}, {"Rhode Island", "Providence"}, {"South Carolina", "Columbia"}, {"South Dakota", "Pierre"}, {"Tennessee", "Nashville"}, {"Texas", "Austin"}, {"Utah", "Salt Lake City"}, {"Vermont", "Montpelier"}, {"Virginia", "Richmond"}, {"Washington", "Olympia"}, {"West Virginia", "Charleston"}, {"Wisconsin", "Madison"}, {"Wyoming", "Cheyenne"} }; }
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