6.9 (Conversions between feet and meters) Write a class that contains the following two methods:
/** Convert from feet to meters */
public static double footToMeter(double foot)
/** Convert from meters to feet */
public static double meterToFoot(double meter)
The formula for the conversion is:
meter = 0.305 * foot
foot = 3.279 * meter
Write a test program that invokes these methods to display the following tables:
Feet Meters | Meters Feet
1.0 0.305 | 20.0 65.574
2.0 0.610 | 25.0 81.967
9.0 2.745 | 60.0 196.721
10.0 3.050 | 65.0 213.115
/** Convert from feet to meters */
public static double footToMeter(double foot)
/** Convert from meters to feet */
public static double meterToFoot(double meter)
The formula for the conversion is:
meter = 0.305 * foot
foot = 3.279 * meter
Write a test program that invokes these methods to display the following tables:
Feet Meters | Meters Feet
1.0 0.305 | 20.0 65.574
2.0 0.610 | 25.0 81.967
9.0 2.745 | 60.0 196.721
10.0 3.050 | 65.0 213.115
public class ProgrammingExercise6_9 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.printf("%-15s%-15s| %-15s%-15s\n","Feet","Meters","Meters","Feet"); System.out.println( String.format("%62s"," ").replace(' ', '-') ); for (int m = 20, f = 1 ; f <=10; f++, m+=5) { System.out.printf("%-15.1f%-15.3f| %-15.1f%-15.3f\n",(float)f, footToMeter(f),(float)m,meterToFoot(m)); } } /** Convert from meter to foot */ public static double meterToFoot(double meter) { return 3.279 * meter; } /** Convert from foot to meter */ public static double footToMeter(double foot) { return 0.305 * foot; } }
You did them backwards for the assignment. The left column is supposed to be feet instead of meters and then you should follow that pattern.